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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Post from the plane

I tried and failed to post this from my blackberry on Friday night:

These are my favorite kinds of trips-- when andreas on the recvng end, nor the departure end.

I'm going to try to finish passae to india before arriving. I'm kicking mself for deciding not to bring the zadie amith novel which arrived last night, but I trust amng the nerds ill be with this weekend-- drs. Gilmore and erzen and mr. Bill-- that ill find something intersting to read on sundays flight and train ride-- which promises to as long or longer than the flight.

I snuck up to lasalle st. this aft to feel the sox celebration vibes. It was pretty lovely-- sort of a 21st century stew of multi culti south siders and suburban white folks. Lots of kids on mens shoulders. I snapped a couple of photos that ill post later.
I had to leave to hear Howard Gardener talk about Trustees and the loss of trust.
Take off time!
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld


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